"Vôo Sobre O Horizonte" by Azymuth

“Vôo Sobre O Horizonte”

Brazilian jazz-funk trio, Azymuth’s “Vôo Sobre O Horizonte” (“Fly Over the Horizon”) is musical escapism at its most serene. The song is the opening track from their consistently excellent album, Águia Não Come Mosca, which was released in 1977.

An easygoing acoustic guitar gives way to sparkling chimes and pleasant percussion. Gentle synths and keyboards casually ebb and flow throughout the song while the mellow baseline adds a subtle and irresistible bounce. Airy vocals float atop an undulating synth line… saturating the song with a warm breeziness. All of these elements seamlessly blend together, inviting the listener to breathe in the clear air and drift away with the tranquil currents. This song doesn’t just want to soundtrack your next vacation, it wants to be your next vacation.

Or, as a good friend of mine, succinctly summed it up upon hearing it for the first time, “Oh my… that is really fucking smooth.”

-Daniel R. 


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